Two Rivers Taking Shape

GPs, staff and patients from the Two Rivers Medical Centre Practice recently visited the construction site of the new Two Rivers Medical Centre in Ipswich to inspect progress with the construction phase of the project.
The GPs, accompanied by the Apollo team and Barnes Construction were able to walk around the site which included a guided tour of the new building.
As part of the day’s activities, the tour of the new building was followed by an Arts and Interiors workshop. As part of the workshop, DGA (Interior Design Lead) and EMP Projects (Arts Coordinator) provided the group with computer graphic images on what the building will look like inside once completed.
Amongst details presented included mood boards which feature samples of floor finishes and colour themes for walls and furniture.
An Arts Strategy was also presented to the group. The Arts Strategy has been produced in consultation with the GPs, staff and patients from the Practice Patient Participation Group and will focus on creating art that will be reflective of the people that will use the new facility. A number of local artist have been shortlisted and it intended that one local artist will now be commissioned to produce a piece of public art for the building.
The new 2,200sqm medical centre is currently 20 weeks into a 52 week construction programme and is due to be completed in July 2016.