Skene Medical Centre, Aberdeen, 13 Years On

Apollo’s CEO, Johnny Dryburgh, was recently invited back to Aberdeen for the retirement bash of Skene Medical Group’s Senior Partner, Dr George Ellis. Almost 13 years on from the inception of the project to develop the new Skene Medical Centre and 11 years from it’s completion, it was an honour for him to be invited back to the building by project lead Dr George Ellis for his own retirement party.
Johnny and George developed a great relationship working their way through the challenges of the project, including securing a site in booming Aberdeenshire, and satisfying the requirements of multiple stakeholders, who didn’t always entirely agree with one another. George’s Partners in his large Practice gave him protected time to devote to the project on their behalf, and his attention to detail and good nature greatly contributed to the success of the scheme; which really does look as good now as when it was built. George could often be found in the site hut dishing out doughnuts to the site team, which I am sure helped! Retirement is a sometimes relative term, and George is already developing his passion for tree surgery, although perhaps a little more attention needs paid to health and safety judging by his bruised lip!.
(Photos: (1) Then – Dr. George Ellis at Sod Cutting; (2) Now – George & Johnny).