Reception in the Reception!

18th August 2009 0

A new chapter opens in the provision of medical services at Old Kilpatrick.

The completion and bringing into service of the new “state of the art” Old Kilpatrick Medical Practice premises, after over 50 years continuous delivery of medical services to the local community from the old Clinic building, could not go unmarked! This achievement was celebrated at the recent official opening of the building attended by the project team and staff old and new from the Practice and NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde. Senior Partner, Dr Donald Wallace, unveiled the plaque and said a few words, noting the quantum shift in the staff and patient environment and looking forward to the next 50 years.

One of Donald”s retired Partners reflected that prior to moving to the old Clinic building, their shop unit on nearby Dumbarton Road had no appointment system, no telephone and only a curtain “separated” waiting from the “consulting room”. There was never a dull moment and each day was (perhaps unsurprisingly!) full of surprises…

After building tours and a buffet lunch, a patient open day was held with further guided tours of the building by the Apollo team and staff from the Practice. With over 200 patients attending, this was a great success introducing the building to the local community.

The day drew to a close a number of years of hard work by Apollo, the Practice and NHS GG&C, and formally opened a new chapter in the provision of medical services in Old Kilpatrick.

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