Legal Close for Cardiff Scheme
Apollo are pleased to announce the legal close of their 2400sqm scheme in the Rumney district of Cardiff. The scheme, which will house the Rumney and Daintree GP Practices (who merged in September 2011), Cardiff University Health Board and a retail pharmacy, will be located on the Castlefields site in the heart of Rumney. The development was granted Welsh Government approval in June 2011 with planning approved in December 2011. Work is due to start late June / July 2012 with anticipated completion in July 2013.
The new building has been designed to accommodate 17,000 patients and provide enhanced services from Cardiff University Health Board including podiatry, audiology, mother and child clinic and family planning. It will also be the base for the District Nurse and Health Visitors in the east of the city.
Apollo first opened a Wales office in 2006 and since then has completed three schemes, has one under construction with another two commencing on site this year.
Apollo”s policy of local investment will again see a focus on local employment of contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers to ensure the investment is retained in the region to maximise the benefit to the ”Welsh pound”.
For further information please contact Rob James on