It’s Goodbye from Bernard and Hello to Jo!
Bernard Smith, Company Accountant based at Apollo”s Head office in Ipswich, has left the company for a well deserved retirement after 8 years service, though it doesn”t appear that Bernard will be running out of steam quite yet. A model railway enthusiast (with over 100 model trains in his collection) Bernard is looking forward to having more time in his converted garage where he has been diligently customising an intricate railway for many months now, as well as spending more time and days out with his wife, Patsy.
At a lunch to mark his retirement, Bernard was presented with tickets for himself and Patsy to go on a coach/steam train holiday to the Cotwolds in July together with a train driver”s hat complete with British Rail and Train Driver”s badges.
Taking over from Bernard, everyone at Apollo is very pleased to welcome Jo Goddard to the team. Having recently moved to Suffolk, Jo joins Apollo after spending 5 years as Financial Controller with Headway, a charity that works to improve life after acquired brain injury. Jo has spent the last three weeks learning the ropes from Bernard and is now ready to go solo. Welcome aboard Jo!