Farrow Medical Centre, Bradford; construction commences…
Last month the contractors Bermar Building took occupation of the site and got the construction works underway with a flourish. Building immediately next door to the existing Farrow Medical Centre enables the staff and patients to see first-hand the building works progress towards the planned completion next summer.
Fiona Reid the Farrow Practice Manager said “The new surgery building will provide us with space to deliver a wider range of quality healthcare services and there is real enthusiasm & excitement for the project, not just among the clinicians and our existing patients, but right across the local community.”
A building site awareness talk has recently taken place at the local Community and Children’s Centre and a site safety poster competition was launched to children aged between 5 and 13 years old. The winning posters will be displayed along the sites hoarding before Christmas.
The building includes a new pharmacy business called Farrow Pharmacy Limited which will initially commence operating from the existing surgery from next February and then relocate into their new pharmacy unit once the whole building is complete.
Melanie Leakey the Superintendent Pharmacist for Farrow Pharmacy said “We are working with Apollo and our design team to create a pharmacy fit for tomorrow. We are looking forward to liaising closely with the Farrow GPs to provide exceptional patient-focused care within the local community”