Latest news

25th Jul 2013

Shropshire Council this week approved detailed plans for a new single storey surgery for the Worthen Medical Practice. The architectural style of the building respects the rural setting of the site being on the edge of the village and adjacent to the village Primary School. The building fabric will be a mixture of sustainable timber […]

8th Jul 2013

On Friday 5th July 2013, Apollo hosted the official opening event of their £7.5m Beacon Centre for Health development in Swansea. This 3300sqm scheme is seen as a flagship and exemplar for future schemes in Wales. The facility was opened by Edwina Hart MBE AM who was Health Minister at the time the scheme achieved […]

27th Jun 2013

Ben Lomond, the most southerly located Munro in Scotland, towers 974 meters over the eastern shore of Loch Lomond.  On Saturday 8th June, surely one of the hottest days in Scotland and most certainly the sunniest, Richard Drew joined six fellow colleagues from the Hub West Scotland team to climb the Munro in aid of […]

5th Jun 2013

The Apollo team are pleased to announce that they have won an instruction to manage the Beacon Centre for Health in Swansea.  The new management instruction commenced from April 2013 and will see the team manage the newly completed 3,300m2 facility which houses a mixture of GPs, Dentists, Local Health Board, University and pharmacy tenants. […]

4th Jun 2013

The Beacon Centre for Health was opened to the public on 13th May 2013. This 3300sqm development is the largest primary care facility in Swansea and is the culmination of 6 years work by the project team. The Beacon brings together the Harbourside Practice, SA1 Practice, Eastside Dental, ABMU Therapies, Swansea University School of Medicine […]

14th May 2013

Apollo has been busy over the past 12 months working with the Worthen Medical Practice and Shropshire County PCT. The Practice has a long tradition within Worthen serving its large rural catchment to the west of Shrewsbury. Initially operating from a house the Practice moved into the Village Hall in the centre of the community […]

20th Dec 2012

Work has begun on the £6m Rumney Primary Care Centre on the former Castlefields site on Barmouth Road, Rumney, Cardiff.  The new state of the art facility will house Dr Gerson & Partners, Health Board Community Services and a local community pharmacy operated by G H Bogal.  Based locally in St Mellons, Vinci Construction are […]

18th Dec 2012

The replacement surgery for the Farrow Medical Practice has recently been granted full planning permission by Bradford Council.  The new surgery building will be developed on an adjoining site to the existing surgery, currently derelict land, which has been acquired from the Council.  The development has been welcomed by the local community who will significantly […]

7th Nov 2012

Following a presentation to Cathcart Street Practice with other 3pd Developers, we are delighted to announce that we were appointed by the Practice on the 15 August 2012. The Practice is a 7 GP trainer practice.  The current surgery, constructed in 1814 for medical use, occupies four floors of a Grade B-listed Georgian townhouse in the […]

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