The Shields Centre granted Full Planning Consent
We are delighted to advise that ‘The Shields Centre’ in East Pollokshields, was granted Full Planning Consent on 3rd October 2013. The project is one of five Health Centre Schemes being developed through the hub vehicle in Scotland, along with a Continuing Care Beds facility. Apollo is one of three sponsoring partners involved with hub West Scotland; and in this instance is also providing a Project Management resource to the East Pollokshields project.
At c. 600m2 over 2 Storeys it is a modest sized facility, though will provide key Community Benefits by bringing together 2 GP Surgeries, a Health Shop, a Social Work element and various clinics provided by Community Services. A unique aspect of its community engagement is in the provision of a Community Garden, providing an aesthetic vista to the Ground Floor Waiting Area within an otherwise urban setting; and providing an area for local groups to grow fuit and vegetables.
Community engagement has also included development of flora influenced Public Art, linking with the organic nature of the Community Garden, which will be incorporated within external screens and internal glazing.
Site Works are planned for early Spring with a further update being provided closer to the time.