Apollo Appointment in Ayr

7th November 2012 0

Following a presentation to Cathcart Street Practice with other 3pd Developers, we are delighted to announce that we were appointed by the Practice on the 15 August 2012.

The Practice is a 7 GP trainer practice.  The current surgery, constructed in 1814 for medical use, occupies four floors of a Grade B-listed Georgian townhouse in the centre of Ayr.  Over the years parts of the building have been used for a variety of business purposes as well as residential accommodation reverting to a doctor”s surgery again in 1959.  Since then the Practice has expanded, taking over the whole building in 1998.

Apollo are currently assisting the Practice to put together a Business Case as well as seeking a suitable site for the new premises in a central location in Ayr.

Contact us

Tel: 01473 659912
Email: info@apollomedical.co.uk