Farrow Medical Centre Granted Planning Permission

18th December 2012 0

The replacement surgery for the Farrow Medical Practice has recently been granted full planning permission by Bradford Council.  The new surgery building will be developed on an adjoining site to the existing surgery, currently derelict land, which has been acquired from the Council.  The development has been welcomed by the local community who will significantly benefit from the regeneration of this site.

The new building will be 800m2 incorporating a pharmacy and will have 28 parking spaces to the rear of the development.  The building, being predominantly 2 storey, will have a significant presence on the Otley Road, a busy arterial route serving Bradford City Centre.

The new surgery will be three times as large as the existing surgery built in 1989 and provide the training practice with 8 consulting rooms, a treatment room and a Health Education/multi-purpose room.

Construction is due to commence next summer subject to the agreement to divert an existing footpath and alter the access road to facilitate the scheme. 

The new Farrow Medical Centre is planned to be completed by early summer 2014.

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