Prizes Awarded to local Schoolchildren for Artwork at Clydach Primary Care Centre

9th July 2009 0

As part of Apollo”s commitment to art and community engagement, Rob James, Apollo”s Procurement Director, presented 6 children with prizes for winning an art competition to have their artwork displayed at the new Clydach Primary Care Centre. The 6 winners were – Kalym Bailey, Annest Phillips, Rachel Martin, Jess Mackechnie, Anisa Lawrence and Teah Lloyd-Jones. All are pupils of YGG Gellionnen and Clydach Junior and Infant Schools.

Other children within the shools worked on group artwork. Clydach Primary provided a ceramic tile montage with the assistance of local artist Adrianne Howe, while YGG Gellionnen provided a paper montage showing images of Clydach. Apollo also appointed local glass artist Steve Robinson who works for Rupert Scott Glass to provide 5 back lit glass panels in the main waiting area.

Apollo are delighted with the works and thank all of those involved for their hard work in making the Primary Care Centre a part of the community.

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