Two Rivers Medical Practice, Ipswich
Client Objectives:
- Consolidate two merging GP Practice into single site solution
- Identify and secure a suitable site within close proximity of existing surgeries
- Guide Practice through NHS Approvals
- Minimise financial risk to Practice and flexible lease arrangement
- Deliver an energy efficient building that would minimise Practice running costs
- Create a facility that would aid Practice with GP training and recruitment
- Community engagement through project
Development Solution:
Site Solution – Prominent site secured from Local Authority and located within 300 yards from existing surgery premises. The money received from site enabled the Local Authority to invest in Sheltered Accommodation project for vulnerable families
Approvals – Led with Land acquisition from Local Authority, NHS Approvals process including engagement with Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS England with Business Case writing and submission, NHS rent negotiations and technical approvals
Finance – A challenging project which was developed project at risk requiring no financial input from Practice
Legal – DV Approved TIR lease arrangement.
Landlord retaining responsibility for repairing building fabric and building insurance.
Lease facilitates succession with new and retiring partners.
Rent charged under lease fully reimbursed under NHS.
Premises Direction rules.
Practice able to make internal alterations and sub-let rooms.
Sustainability – Building designed to achieve BREEAM Excellent standard
Reducing running costs – Inclusion of electric car charging points and Solar PV with Feed In Tariff payment income assigned [gifted] to Practice
Design – Modern contemporary design with flexible clinical zones allowing Practice open and close parts of the building depending on demand
Service Led Facility – Minor Operations Suite Triage Suite for on the day appointments
Seminar Suite and GP Training Facilities providing training resource for wider CCG initiatives
Visiting clinician suites to allow Practice Patients to benefit from a more diverse range of services
Out of Hours Suite for 7 day access Pharmacy
Community Engagement – Achieved via Arts Project including Practice Patient Group, Schools and Local Authority
Project Type: Project delivered for the largest GP Practice in Suffolk
Modern purpose built Medical Centre incorporating GP Training Centre of Excellence, Triage Suite and Integrated Pharmacy
Project Value: 6m
Size: 2,050 sq m
14 GPs
25,000 Patients
150 sqm Pharmacy
Delivery: 54 weeks